St. Peter’s
Woodhall Spa
Services & whats on
Wednesdays 09.30am Come along to Midweek Communion in the Lady Chapel.
Refreshments will be served afterwards.
The Eucharist is celebrated every Sunday at 11am. We welcome people of all ages to all services. More details can be found on our service events page.
All are welcome to receive Holy Communion or a Blessing.
On the first Sunday of the month the worship is lead by a Worship Band with contemporary Worship Songs.
On the remaining Sundays worship is lead by the Choir and Organ.
We are hoping to restart Holy Communion at 8am on the second Sunday of every month at St. Peter’s Woodhall Spa. The first one will be 12th November 2023.
There is a comfortable area set aside for parents/carers and young children.
Modern toilet facilities are available at the rear of the building
Refreshments are served afterwards.
Mothers’ Union also has meetings on a Tuesday. More details can be found on Mothers' Union.
St Peter's was consecrated in 1893 by Rt. Rev. Dr. Edward King, Bishop of Lincoln and ever since, people have gathered here to worship God and to be encouraged to live a Christian life in the community. It was designed by a famous Victorian architect, Hodgson Fowler, and was built because the old parish church of St Andrew, only seating 190, was too small. St Peter's became the parish church in 1915 and has strong links with the local community, and with the RAF.
The church has an interesting history with a selection of fine stained glass, both Victorian and modern, a fine Reredos (ornamental screen) behind the altar and a rood screen (the wooden partition) between the nave and chancel commemorating soldiers from the First World War. A leaflet about the history and architecture is available at the back of the church.