Flowers to remember

It is possible to have flowers placed in St Peter’s Church to remember a loved one, either on the date of their anniversary, or on a birthday or other significant date. 

Please note, however, we do not have flowers in church during Lent or Advent, so it may be necessary to choose an alternative date.

Flowers will be bought with the donation you give and can be arranged as a table display, altar arrangement or pedestal.  You are welcome to come into church on the day of the anniversary to see the flowers, light a candle and also to join us for the service on the Sunday or Morning Prayer (Tuesday to Thursday).

If you have any questions please contact Sue Curtis on:

01526 353264 (evenings).

We ask for a donation of £10, £20 or £30

depending on the size of the arrangement.

Please complete the form below with and make a donation at least a fortnight before the date.